CCA to Make a Top 20 CMR Firm
June 9, 2014
On June 9, 2014, Engineering News-Record (ENR) released the latest Top 100 Construction Management-at-Risk (CMR) Firms list. CCA’s ranking climbed from No.86 to No.49 over the past year with $464 million revenue from “at risk” construction management or project contracts. Plaza Construction (Plaza) leaped from No.73 to No.22 with $922.5 million revenue in 2013. Although listed separately, the combined revenue of CCA and Plaza in the amount of $1.42 billion would have placed CCA in the Top 20 Construction Management-at-Risk Firms ranking.
ENR is a weekly magazine highly-recognized in the construction industry. Each year it compiles and publishes rankings of the largest construction and engineering companies in reference to various factors such as their US and international revenue volume, backlog size, new contracts, market share and sectors. CMR is a project delivery method in the construction industry where firms accept the legal and financial risks associated with delivering the projects.