Although the challenge of conducting injury-free operations in the construction industry is immense, we are determined to train our teams with the highest safety standards, provide a safe working environment and minimize risks for our clients, employees and subcontractors, their families and surrounding neighborhoods. To achieve these goals, we established the CCA Safety Program to implement the safety measures we find necessary. The program is amended periodically to remain current with legal and regulatory changes and recognized safe work procedures. The core components of the program are as follows:
- Safety and
Health Policy - Trainings
and Courses - Corporate
Safety Award - Safety Day
and Safety Week - Audits
and Inspections
Safety and
Health Policy
The foundation of the program — CCA Safety and Health Policy — introduces rigorous safety standards and rules by which managers, supervisory personnel, employees and sub-contractors working on CCA job sites are required to abide. CCA employees also are encouraged to brainstorm and identify ways to make CCA a safer place to work.
and Courses
We have selected and subscribed to a comprehensive collection of online safety courses designed by certified safety professionals and trainers for our employees to take. Each employee is required to take proper safety training and courses before performing pertinent tasks. We also host periodic training and seminars both onsite and at headquarters on a variety of safety-related topics, such as fall protection, construction site accident investigation procedures, compliance and safety management.
Safety Award
CCA has a long-established tradition of hosting Safety Award ceremonies at all our offices. The ceremonies recognize the safety efforts made by CCA employees, particularly those who are directly responsible for the safety of their co-workers. Because safety is a vital part of the CCA corporate culture, the ceremonies are an excellent opportunity to underscore CCA safety policies, analyze safety statistics and targets, and share safety stories from employees and guest speakers to promote our safety culture and achieve best practices.
Safety Day
and Safety Week
To further celebrate and promote the corporate safety culture, we started a tradition of hosting Safety Day events on our job sites. In the Greater New York area, the Safety Day program also is organized as a response to the Safety Week initiative from the General Contractors Association (GCA). During the all-day event, we recognize the project teams who have worked tirelessly to ensure our job sites remain safe places to work. We also provide team-building activities to promote safety. Prizes are given to further motivate our employees.
and Inspections
Audits and inspections are compulsory components to ensure the implementation of our safety policy and procedures. Audits and inspections are performed by field engineers, superintendents and project managers — not just the safety department — and reviewed by upper management. At CCA, safety is the responsibility of everyone involved in a project.